

Our solution


At MDC Nordic, we deliver high-quality IT services designed to ensure a stable, scalable, and secure IT environment for our customers and partners. Our IT services include application support and external IT support, always focused on your Navision Stat solution. As part of our 360-degree service, we offer 24/7 monitoring every day of the year. We provide extensive insight, the latest knowledge, and fast response times. We understand that active involvement in your own solution fosters a better collaborative climate and efficiency between you as a customer and us as your hosting provider.


Spar op til 40% på jeres hostingudgifter

Vi oplever ofte, at vores kunder kan spare op til 40% på deres hostingudgifter ved at skifte til os. Skal vi beregne din besparelse?

Årlig lønsum (hele mio.)

Antal elever

Antal brugere

Med mange års erfaring i support af hosting- og driftscentre, tilbyder vi både drift- og konsulentydelser, der matcher de løsninger, som kan købes hos KMD/IBM og Statens IT (SIT). I mange tilfælde oplever vores kunder en betydelig besparelse på op til 40% ved at vælge vores transparente løsninger.

What we offer:

  • A consumption-based pricing model, not based on payroll
  • Direct access to technicians and consultants without a long process
  • Quick resolution: You call us, and we immediately address your issue
  • Monthly reports on user count and database usage, so you can track your usage
  • Unique partnerships with third-party solution providers for Navision Stat

Our hosting solution includes:

  • Continuous CU updates of Navision Stat (e.g., new upgrades). Direct version upgrades (e.g., from version 9 to 10) are not included
  • 10 GB Navision Stat database
  • Ongoing access to MDC Nordic’s FAQ database
  • Invitations to Navision Stat courses, webinars, and introductory videos
  • Backup – both full and incremental
  • VMware Horizon access to the Navision Stat front-end

We understand that file transfers between Navision Stat and your company’s own servers have long been associated with difficulties and frustrations, especially after server updates and restarts. Therefore, we offer SecureFile, providing each user and your company’s shared drive with 10 GB of free storage, so you don’t have to deal with the hassle of local servers for file sharing.

Want to hear more about our IT services?

Contact us today!

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